9:18 PM
by Wendy Hao
by Wendy Hao
in spite of everything,
the question still remains:
“what now?” the pillar you’ve
been working on has been
abandoned, the gods don’t
need you anymore. say goodbye
to your neo-pantheon, your
half-built leg for polyphemus.
little mortal, with sweat
dripping down a sore back,
say goodbye to those hurtful
family sayings and those
colorful loss-grief legends.
gunpowder running across
gunpowder running across
the back of your hand. a
match sharpening its bloody
tongue. light the kerosene
on your fingertips. fireworks
bursting and crumbling,
bursting and crumbling…
this is what you wanted,
isn’t it? “what now?” now is
the bird eating prometheus’
liver. now is the stratus cloud
hiding stomach cramps and
tears over failed history tests
and blood from that time you
tripped while playing ball.
now is the apple of knowledge;
eve knew exactly what she
was doing when she traded
obedience for wisdom. Now
is the beginning, once more.
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